If not, allow me to offer a bit of context…
Human Design has been around since the 90s but is now picking up steam in popular culture since many major magazines dubbed it the biggest trend in self-development for 2024.
Naturally it turned heads and people started jumping on board as influencers and “gurus” all over (even those who had never even heard about Human Design) wanted to have a voice on the topic.
People were referencing it as the new Meyers Briggs and all the things, then, of course, misinformation entered the chat!
I’ve seen so much craziness out there about why Human Design is hip and cool, that as a Certified Human Design Specialist, I feel like the message and the actual value in the system has become entangled with and hidden behind all the noise.
Understanding the depths of Human Design and the potential available to us all opened up the world to me in a brand new way. I noticed a growing compassion for how challenging it is for so many people like you; trying to thrive in a world that reinforces that you're:
- not good enough, or
- lazy or
- broken
Because you:
- don’t wake up before sunrise or
- won’t keep doing things that you don’t in fact want to do or
- can’t be worked to the bone or
- maybe need a bit more time to make important decisions.
But What If:
you’re not alone?
the problem isn’t you?
the system is broken and you’re exactly who you should be?
There is so much depth and variety out there and one of my favourite things about sharing Human Design with people (as an extension of my own experience feeling so seen) is the sigh of relief and realisation when they discover their energetic potential through Human Design.

I Remember...
The first time I heard about Human Design during a business coaching program back in 2020 when I was stuck and the coach suggested that I research my Human Design. I only remember this because I came across my notes a few years later and smiled when I saw I wrote the words down but I never quite followed up.
In 2021 I did another program that actually delved deep into Human Design and at that point i saw it and felt like it was alot of information (and it can be quite overwhelming) but it resonated, a couple things stuck with me and I carried along with that.
In 2022 after I returned home from travelling for my TEDx talk I felt this strong, out of the blue urge to explore Human Design. I haven’t quite unpacked it but on August 8th (based on my notes) I started my deep dive.
I’m very picky about resources so I never check with a single source I compare and contrast, understanding that many people are expressing information from their perspective. By the start of 2023, when I felt like I exhausted the free resources, I started my journey to get formally certified (also because I know people need proof that you know what you know).
A few things I learnt from my research, certification,
personal experience & past readings:
Human Design is not a personality test - This is one of the biggest misconceptions about the system and so I’d like to start here. Personality tests require you to enter information and provide feedback based on your responses. The flaw with that is that it's mostly self-gratifying and relies heavily on your self-awareness. So the outcome really depends on where you are with yourself and your perceive qualifications during the time that you take the test. Human Design, on the other hand, provides the information based on a calculation made at your time of birth (I won’t bore you with the details but let me know if you want me to lol) This means that no matter where, what time in your life, day of the week etc you run your chart, it will be the same chart, the information doesn’t change, it isn’t relative to your mood or perception just like your fingerprint or blood type.
Human Design is not a Religious belief or based on religion - The system is based off of the integration of several other systems that have been used for years before Human Design surfaced and in my experience, Human Design can be explored successfully as an extension of your current spiritual practice.
Human Design is not a life hack (although it can feel that way) or a quick fix It is a guide to embodiment, embodiment takes practice and practice takes time. The beauty is that the time spent in this practice is literally just living your life; with intention, on purpose!
Human Design is not a predictive or foretelling system - It is a blueprint of your unique energetic flow. To put it simply it's less like tarot cards and more like an XRAY. Everyone has some version of the same chart, so every chart represents a person’s unique flow of energy, filtered by your personal life experiences among other things. So this blueprint serves as a guide to rediscovering yourself, before well-intending people in your life determined who you “should’ve been”, so you can choose to free yourself from the expectations of others and live your truth (or not)!
Human Design is about much more than your career or work - It does offer great insights which can and will support you in making aligned decisions toward professional success (including avoiding burnout) but it is also great for parenting, creating and sustaining quality relationships and of course guides your innate creative process so you can ditch the “manifestation trial and error”.
It’s even great for understanding your ideal environments, learning habits and even ways to best nourish your body (spoiler alert! Most of us aren’t designed to sit around all day).
And I know there are people who don’t resonate with this information or may have reservations, and there are very valid reasons for that (no judgment). Maybe:
you, from a very young age, been told who you should be and find it difficult to identify with yourself outside of that
you have had readings in the past and the analysts were not aligned with you or
It’s the language! It was disempowering in the early stages which may have been offputting and made it challenging to embrace the message. (I mean when I was starting out I remember someone telling me an analyst told them that the Generator archetype is meant to be a slave! As a black woman I can’t fathom my response if I was told that this is what was meant for me.)
You’re simply not ready/interested - I always try to be mindful about introducing people to Human Design. As much as I understand and believe in the benefits and immense value of understanding your Human Design, I also understand (based on this same system) that most energies won’t be received well until people are ready/willing to receive them.
This is why I prefer to offer you the information, the benefits and the caveats so you can make an informed decision about your Human Design Journey to help you discover alignment, get unstuck and Create the life you love to live!
If you’re ready to explore your Human Design I can’t wait to embark on this journey with you! And I don’t need to oversell this because at some point while you were reading this you knew in your body whether or not you are ready or interested.